Monday Apr 24 2023 SPY SPX ES Actionable Levels

Overnight dip bought up again to end right where we closed yesterday. Where do we go from here?

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This is a repost of Friday’s letter for Monday.

In yesterday’s letter, I wrote:

This is how we played out overnight and in the AM. We could not reclaim 4145, we broke through the key levels and did hit a low intraday of 4113.86 - between the two levels above. We then blasted back up in a choppy session to close just about where we did yesterday.

Question is, now that we have been at the bottom and top of this tight consolidation range, are we breaking lower or higher?

More in the trade plan below.

The 0DTE $SPX 4135 call ran from an AM low of $200 to $670+ per contract. - 235% gain.

I traded these - and caught a decent chunk of that move (110%) . This was my second and final trade after a small gain on puts in the AM. More in the trade recap below!

Also an update from one of our subscribers! This person started with 10k a month ago and traded down to 4k. Then, they signed up for this newsletter last week & has since built the account up to almost 45k:

Now, I do want to caution others on position size/risk management. Read more about this in the topic directory. But these are quite incredible results in a market that has not been easy.

Below, we’ll cover the actionable levels, how I played them today and what they mean for Monday.

Levels from last night were good (15 min chart). It was just such a volatile OPEX choppy session. I was able to win on some puts early on and then on the calls above. More info in the trade recap regarding this. Always trust the levels!

Now we are sitting in AH just below the 4133 resistance level. What does this all mean and where do we go from here? Read below for my trade plan which includes actionable support & resistance levels, outlook for Monday’s session and today’s trade recap.

Learn the system to make 1-3 low risk, high trades per day using SPY/SPX options.

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